Premium Quality Beef… Difference You Can Taste

Bonner Farms Beef is a 100% vertically integrated beef operation, meaning we own every step in the process, from growing the food our cattle eat, raising them on our family farm, hand-selecting & butchering them ourselves and every step in between.

Welcome To Bonner Farms

We believe in accountability. When you purchase product from Bonner Farms you know exactly where your meat is coming from. Our name, address and phone number are on the label. We take pride in how we raise and how we treat our animals, to provide you with healthy, clean, safe and delicious food.

The Difference

We’re not your typical cattle company. Although a lot of farms may say this,  we can prove it! From growing the food our cattle eat to the butchering and delivery of the beef, Bonner Farms owns 100% of the process and you can taste the difference!

Our BEEF Brands

Not all beef is the same! At Bonner Farms Beef, we understand the importance of being open and honest with our customers so they can make a choice on the beef that is right for them!

Bonner Farms Premium Natural Beef Brand

To be considered part of Bonner Farms Natural brand, these animals have NEVER been given antibiotics or added hormones EVER…with the paperwork to back it up.

Bonner Farms Premium Grass Fed Beef Brand

Premium cows are raised in the same way as all our animals, however we cannot guarantee they are antibiotic and hormone free, excluding them from our Natural Brand,

Bonner Farms Premium Beef Brand

Our Grass Fed brand is very similiar to our Premium Natural brand. However, these cows have been raised on grass grown from our own fields and have not been fed grain.

Beef By The Numbers

Acres Owned By Bonner Farms

Number Of Cattle Raised Annually

Pounds Of Beef Processed Annually

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